Hospitalar Trade Fair 2022
The largest health fair in Latin America will take place between May, 17th and 20th, at São Paulo Expo.
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Challenges in PDP contracts
Palestra com Camilla Mikaelian Maier e Daniela Guarita Jambor, experts do escritório associado SP Law.
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Digital Transformation in Media
Palestra com Claudio Oliveira, Professor e coordenador no Núcleo de Transformação Digital da ESPM.

WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Investments in Switzerland by Brazilian tax residents: news regarding the Brazil – Switzerland Treaty

CURSO SOLUÇÕES RI – Plano Diretor e Lei do Uso e Ocupação do Solo em São Paulo
Associados têm 10% de desconto. Acesse o cupom na área restrita do site e resgate o voucher.

WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Career and flexible work models
Lecture with Sylvia Hartmann, Specialist in Career and flexible working models.

Ordinary General Meeting 2022
General Assembly and lecture by Helcio Takeda, Partner/Director of Pezco Economics.