Our Team

SWISSCAM has a highly qualified team to meet the needs of both its associates and Swiss companies who plan to set up or establish contacts in Brazil.

Mariana Badra

Executive Director, specialist in planning networking events, she has been working at SWISSCAM for over 10 years. Responsible for the internal administration and the coordination of finances, she maintains direct contact with the associates to know their needs. She develops and implements projects to bring together Swiss and Brazilian companies that are looking for new business opportunities. She represents SWISSCAM in internal and external events and promotes the relationship between associates and governmental bodies in Brazil and Switzerland. She has a bachelor’s degree in Tourism from the Centro Universitário SENAC. E-mail to Mariana Badra (Portuguese and English)

Denise Ortega

Administrative Supervisor and Business Consultant, is responsible for the administrative and financial department. She coordinates market researches and general inquiries, in addition to the editorial content of the Annual Report. She has a technical degree in Business Administration, a bachelor degree in Executive Secretary at FATEC in São Paulo and a bachelor degree in Language (Portuguese-English) at Unifran. E-mail to Denise Ortega (Portuguese, English, French and German)

Maria Vitória Rodrigues

Commercial and Fairs Analyst, is responsible for coordinating the Swiss Pavilion at trade fairs, working from prospecting to the event organization. Conducts business consultations, facilitates matchmaking between Brazilian and Swiss stakeholders, and supports companies in their expansion. Graduated on International Relations by the Catholic University of Santos (UNISANTOS). E-mail to Maria Vitória Rodrigues (Portuguese and English)

Ana Carolina Santos Vaz

Administrative Assistant
Responsible for providing assistance in associative, administrative and financial matters. Support for the areas of events, fairs, communication and marketing. Graduated in Psychology from Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Email to Ana Carolina Santos Vaz (Portuguese and English)

Lorena Ribeiro

Events Analyst
Responsible for planning, execution, and organization of on-site and virtual events of SWISSCAM. In charge of business development and networking among the associates through the execution of events, seminars, and talks. She manages the agenda of SWISSCAM committees – Legal, Human Resources, Communication and Marketing, Sustainability, Financial and Economic, Tax and Accounting, Supply Chain, and Innovation. Master in Public Policy Management from EACH/USP, graduated in Public Administration from UNESP and Theater Technician from Senac. E-mail to Lorena Ribeiro (Portuguese and English)