SWISSCAM PRESENTIAL COURSE – ‘Specialised Training in Supply Chain – TESC’
MooveChain classroom course in collaboration with SWISSCAM run by Alexandre Lutterbach, Managing Partner of MooveChain SCR Gestão e Cons. em Supply Chain Ltda.

SWISSCAM Course – Leveraging your evolutionary intelligence and impact capacity

EVENTO ADIADO Uma Jornada Vivencial de Mudança de Pessoas, Times e Organização
Vivemos tempos que requerem novos mindsets e modelos de gestão para fazer frente aos desafios do mundo contemporâneo.

Course – LinkedIn: How to have a high impact presence and be an influencer
It is not enough to be on LinkedIn, you need to understand how it works and set a strategic positioning

Working Globally
The course aims to increase participants' intercultural awareness, improving their performance as global project professionals and teams