IV SWISS INNOVATION DAY – “5.0 Revolution – Technology at the service of people”
At the IV Swiss Innovation Day, we had talks by Ricardo Neves and Cássio Pantaleoni and a panel with Silvan Roth and Marcio Unrue.

WEBINAR SWISSCAM – “Mercados Digitais em Transformação: Perspectivas e Preocupações Concorrenciais”
Webinar do Comitê de Inovação com palestra ministrada por Daniel O. Andreoli, sócio da área de Investigações Corporativas do Demarest.

Health innovation: obstacles and stories of success
The first Innovation Breakfast took place on December 3rd with speakers from FAPESP, Unicamp and USP addressing health, entrepreneurship and research support.

New mental models, new business models
Lecture given by Oliver Cunningham, Partner of KPMG Brasil