

27/May - Third Party Events
Latin America Day

Webinar organized by LATCAM, includes an analysis of the economic and financial market, an analysis of the impact of the pandemic COVID-19, two company testimon

20/May - Webinário
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Tendências e Inovação em COMEX

19/May - Third Party Events
Brazil Medtech Webinar

Switzerland Global Enterprise and Swiss Business Hub Brazil organize webinar on trends and opportunities in the Medtech sector in Brazil

18/May - Webinário
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Impacto da pandemia e do incidente de Suez sobre os fluxos do tráfego marítimo internacional

13/May - Webinário
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Mediação de conflitos no ambiente de trabalho

12/May -
Cleantech: sustainable and innovative practices

06/May - Third Party Events
Agriculture Technology in Brazil

Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) webinar presents opportunities for Swiss SMEs