SWISSCAM WEBINAR – Current issues involving distribution contracts and commercial representation
Carolina Dotto, Monica Costa and Patricia Carvalho from TozziniFreire Advogados will present a complete overview of risks and exposures related to...
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Innovation & Artificial Intelligence
We invite you to the Innovation Committee webinar with Fabiano Castello, Consultant at cDataLab and professor at Inova Business School.

Invest in Brasil Infrastructure – Roads Edition
Strategic event in attracting investments from Apex-Brasil with a focus on promoting the most diverse infrastructure opportunities in the country
Lecture Series – Startup ecosystem: from theory to practice, how to stay updated with the latest
We invite you to the lecture series on the legal framework of startups, tax and labor aspects, technological centers, among others.
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Economic Freedom Law: Perspectives and Challenges of an “experimentalist regulation”
We invite you to the Legal Committee with Beatriz Batisti, Lawyer and Legal Manager at Philip Morris Brasil, to discuss innovation and regulation from the...

SWISSCAM Panel – Mental health in companies
The Human Resources Committee brought experts to discuss identification strategies, implementation challenges and practical cases in companies.
WEBINAR SWISSCAM – Brazil-Switzerland Double Taxation Agreement
On June 14, 2021, SWISSCAM held, together with the Swiss Business Hub, the webinar with record attendance on the agreement between Brazil and Switzerland...