
SWISSCAM PANEL – ESG: building new business models

07/Jul/2021 - Painel

On June 29th we held an event in partnership with three SWISSCAM Committees: ESG – building new business models, with the participation of experts on the subject.

Marcelo Linguitte, from the Global Pact, began the presentations by stressing that ESG should not be seen as a problem but as an opportunity, and that this is a matter for all companies and not just large corporations, as it is also a way to obtain a competitive advantage in addition, of course, to benefit the planet’s sustainable development.

Then, Grácia Fragalá, from Fiesp, spoke about the Social dimension of the ESG, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of what the good practices of these three letters have and what it is possible to do to, in fact, not only to provide profit for the shareholders but also to promote the well-being of employees, the reduction of inequality and the development of the communities where these companies operate. “The ESG journey is a long-term path”, added Grácia.

Beatriz Freitas presented the main drivers of the green economy with a focus on three pillars: customer demands, voluntary and regulatory commitments. According to her, the Green Debt market has grown exponentially over the years, with a greater number of issuers, transactions and increasing average bond values. In 2020, this market reached USD 1.7 tri in almost 10,000 instruments issued since the year 2006. Social bonds, in turn, had a strong presence in the first months of 2020, in response to the pandemic.

Finally, Renata Amaral, from Trench Rossi Watanabe spoke about the characteristics of the carbon market and investment opportunities in Brazil. Renata mentioned the main market trends, highlighting the high demand for climate solutions based on nature and the growth in volume in Latin American countries, especially in Brazil. According to her, the credits generated in Brazil are interesting for the international buyer market due to the rich diversity of the country and the ease of combining social and environmental benefits.

Once again, we would like to thank the Sustainability, Communication and Marketing and Human Resources Committees for this crossover and the speakers for a rich morning of learning!