
04/Feb - Associated, SWISSCAM -
Curaprox stands out at CIOSP 2025 with an innovative space and social impact actions

Between January 22 and 25, Curaprox was present at CIOSP 2025, consolidating its position as a benchmark in the dental sector.

12/Dec - Associated, Culture and social - Moema Wertheimer Arquitetura Ltda.
“Bom Brasil” Exhibition parallel to Art Basel

The project by our associate Moema Wertheimer Arquitetura has the support of the Brazilian Embassy in Switzerland and aims to promote Brazilian art and culture

27/Nov - Associated - Escola Suíço-Brasileira de São Paulo
Vocational Education and the Digital Transformation Journey at the Swiss-Brazilian Senai School

On October 25, 2023, Swiss and Brazilian companies met at the SENAI Swiss-Brazilian School to learn about SENAI's strategic support for companies

22/Jun - Associated - Zurich
Zurich’s Brazilian remote customer service project wins international award

The “Remote Diagnosis in Claims” project, started in 2021 by the insurance company, was recognized as one of the most innovative in the world...

05/Sep - Associated - R&M
R&M wins EcoVadis sustainable seal

R&M earned the Silver certification for sustainable, ethical and responsible action in this year's Sustainability Assessment.

29/Aug - Associated, Jurídico - Dootax
Planejamento tributário: uma ferramenta essencial para o sucesso das organizações

Artigo destaca os principais temas tributários com mudança de posicionamento do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais (CARF).

03/Aug - Associated, Jurídico - FCR Law
Créditos de PIS e COFINS sobre despesas com Proteção de Dados e Segurança da Informação

Em matéria tributária, as questões relacionadas ao direito digital têm igualmente sido objeto de interesse não só do legislador, por meio da edição de normas...

14/Jul - Associated, Environment, Jurídico - Genuine Way SA
As Novas Regras do Parlamento Europeu sobre relatórios de sustentabilidade corporativa. Corporate sustainability reporting directive – CSRD 2022

Em 30 de Junho de 2022 o Conselho e o Parlamento europeu chegaram a um acordo sobre as novas regras de publicação de informação de sustentabilidade de empresas.

31/May - Associated, Jurídico - Sonia Marques Döbler Advogados
Destaques Tributários

O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) retirou de pauta, inicialmente designada
para o dia 18/05/2022, o RE n. 928.943/SP (Tema nº 914).

24/May - Associated, Economy - Elevadores Atlas Schindler Ltda.
Atlas Schindler strengthens operations in the Americas with a new Test Tower in Londrina (PR)

The project includes the largest test tower in the Americas, with approximately 150 meters high and 17 simultaneous installations for carrying out tests...