With a PhD in Geology from the University of Bern (Switzerland), his homeland, with scientific publications on sedimentology, mineral exploration and environmental remediation of contaminated sites, he has developed studies and works in various parts of the world (Europe, Greenland, Bolivia, Uruguay, Thailand etc) and in all regions of Brazil. But it was in Bahia that he established strong ties with this country. Alongside Christina, the Moeri family grew up with their daughters Stefania and Ana Cristina.
Until the early 1980s, he represented the Klöckner company in Duisburg, Bolivia, Salvador and São Paulo, when he finally founded Geoklock in São Paulo, a company with projects in the area of environmental auditing, hydrogeological research, environmental diagnosis, risk analysis and remediation of soils and groundwater impacted by industrial activities, becoming leader in the area.
He was president of SWISSCAM from 2000 to 2006 and later a member of its Board. He achieved significant progress in SWISSCAM services and structure, turning it into a dynamic and reference chamber among the Swiss Chambers in Latin America.
He also founded the Ekos Institute in 2001, one more of his initiatives for the preservation of biodiversity and the promotion of sustainability. Over the years, the institute has worked in conservation projects and planning of natural areas, technical training for environmental recovery, structuring and operation of sustainable investment with significant socio-environmental impact, as well as technical and scientific exchange among Brazilian and international entities. In addition, Ekos is also responsible for holding the International Seminar on Remediation of Contaminated Areas, which has become the most important event of its area in Latin America.
More recently, it has signed a cooperation agreement with the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) in the management of the Peruaçu Caves National Park in Minas Gerais for activities of public use, social and environmental management, evaluation and monitoring of the management plan, recovery of the Peruaçu River Basin, dissemination and promotion of the Park, among others.
In this tribute, we present a video with some photos of the important and unforgettable moments of Dr. Ernesto during his passage through SWISSCAM.