Happy Hour de fim de ano da SWISSCAM
A SWISSCAM encerrou sua agenda de eventos em 2018 com um Happy Hour de confraternização no restaurante Oliva Preta.
Presidents’ Club com Amyr Klink
No dia 28/11, os Presidentes e Diretores das maiores companhias suíças no Brasil se reuniram no restaurante Cantaloup
Swiss National Day
We celebrated the Swiss National Day at the residence of the Consul-General, Urs Brönnimann.
Doing Business in Brazil, Exclusive Event in Zurich by SWISSCAM
A SWISSCAM realizou no dia 28/06/18 o evento "Doing Business in Brazil", em Zurique, na Suíça.
Sustainability Breakfast: Life Cycle Inventory
SWISSCAM promoted the first edition of the Sustainability Breakfast organized by the Sustainability Committee with the lecture given by Amir Safaei
SWISSCAM’s Annual General Meeting
On March 27, 2018, the SWISSCAM Annual General Meeting was held in the auditorium of Nestlé in São Paulo