
SWISSCAM PANEL – Developing a culture of innovation

17/Mar/2021 - Painel

We would like to invite you to the Innovation Committee Panel on April 13th. With moderation by Marcelo Veras, CEO of Inova Business School and Coordinator of the SWISSCAM Innovation Committee, we will bring experts on the subject to discuss the implementation of a solid and continuous innovation culture in organizations.

To make the meeting more dynamic and promote networking among the participants, audio and video will be enabled.

In the following video, the speakers talk a little about what will be covered in the panel (Portuguese language):


Charles Schweitzer

Head de Inovação do Banco Carrefour

Luiz Serafim

Head de Marketing, Digital, E-commerce & Insights da 3M do Brasil

Miguel Caeiro

Head Latam da VidMob


Informações do Webinar:

Data: 13 de abril de 2021

Horário: das 09h00 às 10h30

Vagas limitadas
