
Swiss Alumni Night 2023

05/Oct/2023 - Eventos de terceiros

Swissnex in Brazil
, with the Consulate General of Switzerland in SãoPaulo and the Greater Geneva Bern area (GGBa) invites you to join us atthe Swiss Alumni Night on 19 October 2023 at the Swiss Residence.

We will welcome Alumni from Swiss universities and academic institutions living in Brazil to share their experiences and new projects. It will be an excellent occasion to see old friends, establish new contacts, and identify opportunities, further fostering the Swiss-Brazilian collaboration.

18:30 – Event starts
19:00 – Opening remarks from the Consul General of Switzerland in São Paulo,
Mr. Pierre Hagmann, the CEO of Swissnex in Brazil, Ms. Malin Borg and the
Director Brazil of GGBa, Thiago Silveira
19:20 – Panel discussion with Swiss Alumni
19:40 – Networking and Apéro
21:30 – End of event

Thursday, 19 October 2023: 18:30-21:30
Address: Swiss Residence in São Paulo, Rua Cristóvão Pereira, 371,
Campo Belo, São Paulo.

Please fill out the form below until 10 October to confirm your presence

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