
SWISSCAM LECTURE – ESG Strategy and Leadership in Supply Chain: Sustainability for Connected Businesses

12/Sep/2023 - Comitê de Supply Chain, Palestras

On September 20, 2023, the members gathered for the Supply Chain Committee lecture:

ESG Strategy and Leadership in Supply Chain: Sustainability for Connected Businesses”

The lecture was given by Luís Fernando Guedes, Professor Doctor, Advisor to the São Paulo City Council on the Climate Policies and Actions Committee and Consultant to the ABNT Quantum Technologies Study Commission.


– Contextualizing the importance of ESG in strategy
– Relevance of sustainability in the modern supply chain
– How socio-environmental factors affect the perception of the company by stakeholders
– The central role of the supply chain in sustainability strategy
– Key metrics and indicators for measuring ESG performance in the supply chain
– The role of leadership in promoting a sustainable corporate culture


Luis Fernando Guedes

Post-doctorate in Artificial Intelligence (USP), PhD in Innovation Management (USP), Master in Operations Technology (FGV), MBA in International Management (FIA, with international internships in Lyon, Cambridge, Vanderbilt) and MBA in Telecommunications Engineering (FEI). His basic training is in Computer Engineering (FEI).

With over 25 years’ experience, he has worked at Solvay, NEC, Embratel, Telefónica and Google. He is Director of the Post-MBA program at FIA/USP and Deputy Coordinator of Consulting at FIA. He is also an Associate Professor at the Albert Einstein Hospital Teaching and Research Center and a columnist on innovation and new technologies for IstoÉ Dinheiro magazine. He is an advisor to the São Paulo City Council on the Climate Policies and Actions Committee and a consultant for ABNT’s Quantum Technologies Study Commission.


Exclusive event for members.