
SWISSCAM SEMINAR – Equity and Technology in Labor Law: Challenges and Opportunities for Employers

07/Jun/2024 - Legal Committee, Legal Seminar, Palestras

On June 27, the Legal Committee held a face-to-face seminar on:

“Equity and Technology in Labor Law: Challenges and Opportunities for Employers

The search for a more equitable and productive working environment, the impacts of globalization and new forms of technology on the day-to-day running of companies, are all situations that influence the routine of employees and employers. Considering this scenario, the event addressed key topics that are a consequence of these impactful and current issues, seeking to provide employers with the best legal practice to face the challenges of the present and foster opportunities based on them.

Summaries and Speakers

Repercussions of harassment and discriminatory practices in the workplace

Moral and Sexual Harassment. Concept. Requirements. Types. Legal consequences and repercussions. Discriminatory conduct. Current case law on the subject. Risk mitigation. Prevention tips.

Priscila Novis Kirchhoff 
Partner at Trench Rossi Watanabe Advogados.

Silvia Bernardino 
Partner at Trench Rossi Watanabe Advogados.

Good ESG Practices and Labor Measures in light of recent legislative updates

In view of recent legislative updates aimed at promoting the inclusion and well-being of women in the workplace, the functions of the new CIPA+ (Law 14.457/22) will be addressed, as well as innovations focused on gender equity in the workplace (Law 14.611/23), thus addressing the importance of good ESG practices, with an emphasis on implementing diversity and inclusion programs, thus contributing to a healthier professional environment and labor compliance.

Luiz Alberto Macedo Meirelles de Azevedo
Partner at De Vivo, Castro, Cunha e Whitaker Advogados.

Renata Assalim
Head of the Contracts, Compliance and Intellectual Property areas at De Vivo, Castro, Cunha e Whitaker Advogados.

Practical aspects of the salary transparency report

In this chat, we will discuss the lessons learned from sending the information that formed the basis of the first salary transparency report and the preparatory measures for the publication of the new report, scheduled for September 2024.


Maria Beatriz R. Dias Tilkian
Partner in the Labor area of Gaia Silva Gaede Advogados.

Vanessa Maia Rossi
Senior labor lawyer at Gaia Silva Gaede Advogados.

Work Anywhere: Transnational teleworking and its practical implications

The Labor Reform instituted by Law 13.647/17 regulated teleworking by inserting articles 75-A to 75-E into the CLT. In September 2022, the CLT underwent new changes in the chapter on teleworking and practical questions, especially regarding transnational teleworking, are beginning to arise, such as: Is it possible for the employer to prohibit work outside the country where the company is based? Is the protection of the security of information accessed by the employee valid as a justification for such an impediment? If the travel ban was not established at the beginning of the change to teleworking, will it be considered a harmful change? Which law applies to employees who work “anywhere” and what is their union status for the purposes of benefits? Is it possible to change the teleworking regime to hybrid or fully face-to-face? These are some of the practical issues that guide remote working policies that the lecture will seek to address.

Nayara Ferreira Marques da Silva
Lawyer in charge of the labor department at Furriela Advogados.

Digital evidence in the labor process

Digital evidence in the labor process. Concept and legal nature. Requirements. Validity. Tools used to analyze and validate digital evidence. Prints from WhatsApp and social networks as evidence in labor courts. Digital evidence and LGPD.

Fabricio Palacios Leite Togashi
Partner at Lautenschlager, Romeiro e Iwamizu Advogados.