
In- and outbound investments between Brazil and Switzerland: Crucial tax and legal aspects

25/Oct/2023 - Eventos de terceiros


Walder Wyss and the University of St. Gallen (HSG) are pleased to invite you to a luncheon on 1st November 2023 on the premises of Walder Wyss in Zurich with the possibility of online attendance on the following topic:

In- and outbound investments between Brazil and Switzerland: Crucial tax and legal aspects

  • Implications of double taxation treaty
  • Comparison with other European countries, in particular Austria and the Netherlands
  • Ownership structures
  • Structuring of supply chains

Our guest speaker will be Prof. Dr. Luís Eduardo Schoueri, a professor of tax law at the University of São Paulo and Founding Partner of the Brazilian law firm Lacaz Martins. Prof. Schoueri is a prominent expert in Brazilian and international tax law and is currently engaged as a guest professor at the University of St.Gallen.

We would be happy to welcome you to this event.

Best regards,

Martin Busenhart / Marius Breier, Walder Wyss AG
Luís Eduardo Schoueri, University of São Paulo, Lacaz Martins
Peter Hongler, University of St. Gallen

Place and time

The luncheon will be held on the premises of Walder Wyss in Zurich (Walder Wyss AG, Seefeldstrasse 123, 8008 Zurich) on 1st November 2023 and will start at 12:00 (CET).

A separate MS Teams invitation will be provided to the registered participants for the possibility of online attendance shortly before the event.

Please register here and indicate whether you will attend the luncheon in person or online.