
23/Mar - Associated, Jurídico - FCR Law
Brazil publishes rules to develop offshore wind potential

On January 25 the Government of Brazil issued a Decree that enables the identification and assignment of physical spaces and national resources...

21/Feb - Associated, SWISSCAM - Tornos Group
Tornos Group registra crescimento global de 65%

Para 2022, multinacional projeta o aumento contínuo das vendas e parcerias com instituições de ensino para fortalecer a mão de obra

02/Feb - Associated, SWISSCAM -
GF Piping Systems lança o HYPRO – produzido no Brasil

01/Feb - Associated, SWISSCAM -
Agrishow 2022

08/Dec - Associated, Culture and social, Environment -
CURACycle – Support this project!

02/Jul - Associated, SWISSCAM -
Swiss companies in LGBTQIA+ Pride Month

In order to celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, check out actions to promote inclusion and diversity from SWISSCAM members

09/Jun - Associated - Virgínia Haag
Valuable tips for successful global interviews

For those who want to reach Regional or Global Positions and need to be prepared for a set of interviews, I would like to give some tips for your preparation...

28/Oct - Associated, SWISSCAM - EU Business School
Podcast SWISSCAM – Educational Challenges During and After COVID-19 Pandemic

We had a conversation with Professor Jon-Hans Coetzer, EU Business School Online Campus Dean

18/Sep - Associated - EU Business School
EU students back on Campus

EU students back on Campus

08/May - Associated - EU Business School
Online programs at EU Business School

The EU Business School online campus includes bachelor's, master's, MBA, among others. See testimonials from students from around the world.