According to the last ranking released by the World Economic Forum, Switzerland was considered the World´s most innovative nation for the 7th consecutive year. What would be Switzerland’s recipe of success? We believe it is due to the favorable environment the country provides to its researchers so that they have full freedom and resources for the development of innovation.
From 13 to 17 November 2017 SWISSCAM organized a trip to Switzerland with Brazilian governmental authorities and representatives of Swiss companies in order to show in loco the Swiss innovation ability.
The group was introduced to the World Food Service Competence Center program at the Polytechnic School, ETH, in Zurich, which brings together teachers from different disciplines and contributes to the long-term safety of world food supplies. This program aims to present common principles for the production of healthy and high quality food in a sustainable way.
In addition, the agenda of this trip included a visit to the product development laboratory of Syngenta, a global leader in research and development for agribusiness, in Stein, on the Rhine; a visit to Technopark Zurich, a top location for innovative start-ups, and to the Philip Morris International Innovation Center in Neuchâtel, where reduced risk tobacco products are being researched and developed.
The trip provided an opportunity to discuss policies to support innovation, R&D and intellectual property. The exchange of experiences between both countries’ representatives enriched the discussion of ideas that will contribute to the Brazilian innovation and to the learning on growth policies of a country as important as Brazil for the Swiss government.