Developing the next generation of talent, preparing young people for the world of work is the main objective of the global program Youth launched by Nestlé.
In Brazil, Youth already brings together about 50 companies, committed to professional guidance and mentoring, as well as creating formal job opportunities.
Since the launch of this initiative in American countries in 2015, the program has offered around 24,000 job opportunities, 7,000 apprenticeship and internships, and the implementation of training programs that impacted more than 700,000 youth by the end of 2018.
This year Nestlé will hold in São Paulo the II Mercosur Youth Meeting, with the expectation of the participation of more than 600 young people, experts, government and representatives of private institutions from all over Latin America.
Your company can also partner with Youth. Contact SWISSCAM.
Click here to see the Brazilian page and here the international one.