EBP Brasil Consultoria e Engenharia Ambiental Ltda.
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14.261
Ala A – 16º andar – Vila Gertrudes
BR-04794-000 São Paulo – SP
Tel (11) 5501 3777
EBP Brasil is an environmental consultancy and engineering company with 44 years of history in Switzerland and 45 years of experience in Brazil 45 years of history in Brazil and Switzerland. The company offers integrated and sustainable solutions for all types of industries, in addition to licensing services, environmental auditing, assessment and remediation of contaminated areas.
In Brazil, it carried out more than 8,000 projects, many of which are quality references in the environmental sector. More than 1,200 clients have been served, national and multinational companies and industries, from the most important segments of our economy